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Strona członka klastra

BIO CONCEPT Bogusław Bednarz
Rynek 11, 37-220 Kańczuga
http://www.bioconcept.pl bednarz@bioconcept.pl 016 642 41 32
Wyślij wiadomość do tego członka klastra
Opis działalności członka Klastra

BIOCONCEPT offers a wide assortment of high quality organic fruits and vegetables, which partly comes from the company’s farm run and controlled according to the most stringent requirements for organic farming. The list of products includes: organic fresh fruits (strawberries, raspberries, currants, gooseberries, chokeberry, plums, cherries, and apples) and vegetables (broccoli, beetroot, green beans, cauliflower, cabbage, rhubarb, and celery)